"Different forms of art" Group assignment -Kenn

Kenn Fuchs

Art can be percieved in many ways. It can be visual, physical, mental, etc. But today I will be discussing the art form of conceptional art. Personally, I think all art is conceptional, though this is the art which is meant for the viewer to create their own understanding of the given art.

The idea of this art style was created by the famous American Sol Lewitt, he was the very first artist to introduce this, the very first to have appeared in print.

Some popular examples of conceptual art are:
- Marcel Duchamp, Fountian, 1917.
- Henry Flynt, An Anthology of Chance Operations.
- Joseph Kousth, English Art and Language Group.
(and of course, many more.)

This specific art style had mainly developed and grown in the year 1970, and from there on it was used much more commonly. Today, most modern art you'll see at those odd art museums, it's only so strange because its up to you to decide what all the art is about. What it all means. They create the art, you create the meaning. Its a fun experience and can portray a lot of emotions, it can even show a lot about you as a viewer based off whatever you percieve the art you look at as.

There is actually a museum located within San Francisco dedicated specifically to this type of art. The museum is called, Museum of Conceptual Art. This was created by Tom Marioni in 1970, when this art style really became what it is to this day.

Here are some visuals of conceptual art, try and percieve what these art pieces can mean, and don't forget, there are no wrong answers with this style of activity!

Image result for conceptual art museums

Yes, A VERY odd piece of art. Try and think, what can this mean? What is this artist trying to represent? Ask yourself all of the worlds questions, perhaps this piece of itself can answer any question you yourself may have.

Image result for conceptual art museums

Another odd one, more colorful, vibrant, something you'd see on some tumblr acid trip. Once again, think what this could possibly mean? What does it represent?

Keep thinking. All art can answer your questions as long as you believe.


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