News Review - Ralph

Ralph Perez

Netflix Cancels there greatest show of all time...

"The Get Down."

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The Get Down, Baz Luhrmann’s musical drama set in the South Bronx in the late 1970s, will not return after its first season. When I first heard this news I was incredibly surprised. At this point the only reason I still used my Netflix membership was because of The Get Down so for me to hear that I won't be able to watch it ever again after waiting for the second season all this time... I am enraged, but it is what it is.

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Netflix’s list of nixed shows is short, and the ones it has ended have usually enjoyed a few seasons. Bloodline is ending with its third season, much like Hemlock Grove and Lilyhammer did when they were canceled. Marco Polo got just two seasons. The Get Down’s cancelation appears to be connected to Luhrmann’s inability to fully commit to the project for another season. On Facebook, he posted a lengthy note to fans on why the show was “unlikely” to continue. “When I was asked to come to the center of The Get Down to help realize it, I had to defer a film directing commitment for at least two years,” Luhrmann said. “This exclusivity has understandably become a sticking point for Netflix and Sony, who have been tremendous partners and supporters of the show. It kills me that I can’t split myself into two and make myself available to both productions. I feel so deeply connected to all those who I have worked and collaborated with on this remarkable experience.”

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Image result for the get down train

Netflix has cancelled possibly my favorite show of all time and it sucks because the show was so unique, set in the Bronx revolving around the commence of rap and shedding light on the rise and popularity of culture, graffiti and crime in New York City during the 70s... it will not be an easy task for me to find a similar show like this just as good as the get down.


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